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Brovedani Group at Top 500 – Pordenone interview Sergio Barel (President)

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Sergio Barel, President and CEO of Brovedani, in an interview Top 500 event in Pordenone declares: “Automotive is going through an epochal revolution that we have already experienced. Years ago we build precision mechanics components for computers currently this business is absent in our group, this experience allowed us to be ready to reorganize ourselves after consolidating the company, to look to new sectors, to be satisfied of 2021 results , we have consolidated 100 million of turnover “.


Christmas 2021

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Also for this Christmas Brovedani contributed with the purchase of 560 solidarity panettone to fundraising by supporting: The CRO Aviano Onlus Foundation, to progress in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases, and A.B.C. Association for Surgical Children of the Burlo ODV, to support  with donations of cutting-edge specialist equipment, with training of medical and paramedical staff, scientific research and setting up the Surgery department to make it more and more suitable for children.


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On November 4th, 2021, during Hidria suppliers day, Brovedani received the award as the best supplier for the two-year period 2020-2021.

The cooperation between Hidria and Brovedani was born in 2015 with the start of activities to develop pressure sensor-glow plug system (PSG).

Hidria gives Brovedani this prestigious award by recognizing in Brovedani the figure of an important partner who, thanks to its precious know-how and innovative approach, has perfected the production processes of this project.

Thanks and congratulations to all!


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Another Great Award! Friday oct 15th we’ve been awarded for our Sustainable Governance strategy, inside the “PerCoRSI FVG 2” project, that involved over 1.100 Companies in the Friuli Venezia Giulia territory. This award, like all the others in the past, pushes us to commit ourselves even more to a sustainable world. Thanks to all our employees to believe and to be part of this great project.

Welfare champion 2021

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Also this year Brovedani Group received 5 stars in the prestigious PMI Welfare Index report, especially for the category ‘Youth perspective: integration, training and growth for the future of the company’. We invest time, resources and enormous energy to increase the well-being of our people every year, it is a great pleasure and a source of further motivation to receive this prestigious award for the third consecutive year.


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Another great interview for our Quality assurance and Control Manager Elena Lattanzio. Developing talent means to give people chances to try, fall, learn the lesson, and try again. Some of them will leave, most of them will achieve great results and develop key skills for them and the Company future.


Telefriuli Interview

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An important interview given by our President & CEO Ing. Sergio Barel and our Plant Quality Assurance Manager Elena Lattanzio regarding the great cerrer opportunities related to an ITS (Istituto Tecnico Superiore) school program. We always host a lot of students, coming from different study paths, giving them the opportunity to practice what they’ve learned and to learn more by doing; this is our contribution, not only for talent acquisition, but also to increase the skills of the young talent of our great territory. One of our 5 Values says: “At Brovedani we seek and recognize the value of everyone and create the environment in which, with courage and commitment, everyone can develop their skills”.


Brovedani, Danieli, Lima and Beantech together for the “evolved factory”

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A business network has been set up with the aim of responding to financing proposal for challenging projects for the Friuli area.


A3 Alliance for the Art of Assembly

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Never stop. This is the goal that enforced Brovedani and four metalworking companies of the Pordenone area (Costam, Mevis, Pettarini and Pezzutti) to join forces to form “A3 Alliance for the Art of Assembly”.
The A3 Alliance group is the result of the Re-Action Fvg project, conceived and launched, during the lockdown period at the beginning of 2020, by Comet – Cluster of the Fvg metalworking industry.
A3 Alliance for the Art of Assembly offers to the international market a complete range of products and processes, but also an exceptional know-how, the result of the individual experience of each company: the authentic added value that elevates the competitive advantage.

Link article

Link A3

Hannover Messe

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Brovedani Group will be presenting itself at the digital version of the traditional exhibition from April 12 to 16, 2021 and will be more than happy to share with you its latest fields of development together with the well-established technologies that let our Group be successful on the market since 1947.